Emergency Maintenance on Linr1
Start Time: 13/04/2021 12:30
End Time: 13/04/2021 18:00
During this period, all cpanels, whm and webmails are not working.
Emergency Maintenance on Linr1
Start Time: 13/04/2021 12:30
End Time: 13/04/2021 18:00
During this period, all cpanels, whm and webmails are not working.
Scheduled a restart on all shared or reseller servers
Start Time: 10/04/2021 19:00
End Time: 11/04/2021 19:00
Expected Down Time: 10 to 15 Minutes.
We are facing some issues in our datacenter as linr1.mydnsweb.com server is not able to access from outside datacenter.
The datacenter technicians are working on the issue. Please bear with us till they resolves the network issue.
we disabled/revoked the instamojo payment gateway permanently from our websites, due to some technical issues/bad support from instamojo