Maintenance Scheduled on our Billing System
Start Time: 24/09/2021 18:30 [IST]
End Time : 24/09/2021 21:00 [IST]
Start Time: 24/09/2021 18:30 [IST]
End Time : 24/09/2021 21:00 [IST]
We will disable User Backups on Linda1 Server
From Date: 25/09/2021
Emergency Maintainence Scheduled on Linr1 Server.
During the period, you cannot access the server whm or cpanel and webmail
Win1 Server Maintenance Scheduled.
Start Time: 17/08/2021 07:00 [IST]
End Time: 17/08/2021 18:00 [IST]
During this period you cannot login to plesk panel or cannot access the webmail also.