
Win1 Server Migration Scheduled

  • 11th January 2017
We need to upgrade the hardware of Win1 Server and also moving to another data center, so the task scheduled on 26th January 2017. All the Ips will be change. All the details regarding migration will be update on our announcement page.
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Scheduled Maintenance in All Linux Shared Servers

  • 7th January 2017

07/01/2016 20:00

Maintaincene for All Linux Shared Servers Started.

First We started the Maintainence of Linux 8

1. Rack Migration Completed.
2. Switch Migrated & Connectivity Upgraded to 40 Gbps Dedicated Leased Line.
3. OS & Patches Updated.

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Linux8 Server Down

  • 7th January 2017
20:00 -> Everything is fine now. All the services are correctly and smoothly.=========================================================18:00 -> Server up and websites also in online. But still our technicians are working on it and we will here once its completes all the tasks.=========================================================12:45 ...
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Whm/Cpanel License Error

  • 5th January 2017
Whm/Cpanel for VPS Licenses have some errors. We already reported the case to cpanel officials and cpanel technicians is working on it. We got their initial reply and they requested to us for a 24 hours time to solve this errors.

We will update here once its completed.
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