Google Drive backup validation failure: "Could not create path directory" Print

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When validating the Google Drive backup destination you might receive an error such as the following:

Error: Validation for transport “GoogleDrive” failed: Could not create path directory “/BackupFolder/”: api_test failed at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Net/Google/Drive/ line 72



We've seen this caused by the "Queries per 100 seconds per user" setting in the quota management area of the Google Drive API settings being set too low. It seems that this can be set to a value of "1" when the default is "100" and the maximum value for this setting is "1000."




Please note, Google imposes limits and quotas on their APIs. This can cause errors when you back up your server to Google Drive.

To avoid errors due to these limitations, we recommend that you perform the following steps to increase your default quota settings:

  1. Visit the Google API Manager website.
  2. In the left side navigation bar, click "Google Drive API".
  3. Click "Quotas".
  4. Increase the value of the "Queries per 100 seconds per user" setting.
    Please note, maximum value of 1000 usually resolves these errors. However, a lower setting may sufficiently resolve most errors.
  5. Click "Done".

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