Client query:
I need two database backups to be done.
IP = cpanel user= dragon database = dragon_production_site
IP cpanel = serpent database = serpent_freightdragon
Please let me know the URL where to download the database once the dump is complete.
1) - This is a separate server. It maintains a "dragon database" database and it contains a "dragon_production_site" file.
2) - This is a separate server. It maintains a "serpent database" database and it contains a "serpent_freightdragon" file.
Solution (
1) Login into ssh server "" with help of ssh login credentials.
2) make sure the database is available or not with helkp of following commands
# mysql
mysql> show databases;
3) Run the following commanad for dump the data base
# mysqldump dragon_production_site > dragon_production_site.sql
4) Move the dump file to /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ and conver inti zip formet.
# mv dragon_production_site.sql /usr/local/apache/htdocs/
# cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs/
# zip dragon_production_site.sql
# tar -cvzf dragon_production_site.sql.tar.gz dragon_production_site.sql
Download Link:
dragon_production_site - (or)
dragon_production_site -
Solution ( ):
1) Login into ssh server " " with help of ssh login credentials.
2) make sure the database is available or not with helkp of following commands
# mysql
mysql> show databases;
3) Run the following commanad for dump the data base
mysqldump serpent_freightdragon > serpent_freightdragon.sql
4) Move the dump file to /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ and conver inti zip formet.
# mv serpent_freightdragon.sql /usr/local/apache/htdocs/
# cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs/
# zip serpent_freightdragon.sql
Download Link:
serpent_freightdragon -
Move the dump file to /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ and conver into the zip formet.
Another way:
Note: If you want to create a MySQL back up under the domain, please follow the below steps:
1) Create a new directory for a backup the database.
# mkdir /database_backup
# cd /database_backup
2)make sure the database is available in mysql and use below commnt to backup the database.
# mysqldump dadoshco_mynewdatabasedadosh > dadoshco_mynewdatabasedadosh.sql
3)Conver into .tar.gz formet and move the dump file to /home/dadoshco/public_html/ .
# tar -cvzf dadoshco_mynewdatabasedadosh.sql.tar.gz dadoshco_mynewdatabasedadosh.sql
# /scripts/whoowns
# mv dadoshco_mynewdatabasedadosh.sql.tar.gz /home/dadoshco/public_html/
# cd /home/dadoshco/public_html
# chown dadoshco:dadoshco dadoshco_mynewdatabasedadosh.sql.tar.gz